What Our Patients Say
Helping You from Small Beginnings, to Brighter, Healthier Living.
Are You Looking For Us?
Patients commonly come to Helix House looking for:
- Relief from pain
- Support navigating through challenging health situations
- Help overcoming a difficult obstacle or dead-end
- A way to reconnect with their sense of health and wholeness
If you are looking for us, we are looking to help you!
We are located just off Iffley Road, 1.5 miles from the centre of Oxford, easy to reach by car and public transport.
To book an appointment, call 01865 243351 or email info@helixhouse.co.uk.
Our Team
All our practitioners are highly-trained and experienced, and our staff are ready to help you. Find out more about them below, or to book an appointment, call 01865 243351 or email info@helixhouse.co.uk.
(Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy)
Director of Helix House. Yan has specialisms in the effects of physical and psycho-emotional trauma, stress and burnout on the body’s natural healing capacity. Learn more...
(Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine)
Co-founder of Helix House. Clive has extensive experience in the use of Applied Kinesiology (AK) to treat digestive disorders as well as joint and muscle issues. Learn more...
(Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Paediatric Osteopathy)
Oliver enjoys working with long-term health issues and has specialisms in treating babies and children, during pregnancy and working with the effects of trauma. Learn more...
Co-founder of Helix House. Kerstin is a highly experienced Transpersonal Psychotherapist who has particular interest in helping Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). Learn more...
(Injury Rehabilitation & Holistic Bodywork)
Zoe has returned from her Walk for Earth in aid of Stop Ecocide International, and is available for appointments. Learn more...
(Family Constellations, Life Coaching, Psychotherapy)
Silvia specialises in working with ancestral, birth and childhood experiences and how they impact on your reactions to life's challenges. Learn more...

Richard specialises in helping clients re-engage with their creativity, curiosity and aliveness to arrive at their full potential. Learn more...

Ruth Swann (Clinic Co-ordinator)
Xmas Availability
Farewell to Carol, Welcome to Ruth
Healing Inherited Family Trauma Through Family Constellations
Going Beyond Your Symptoms - Seeing You in Your Bigger Picture